The holidays are a time when many people spend more time with friends and family than usual. During these uninterrupted moments together, they have time to discuss what’s going on in their lives.
Insurance rarely comes up naturally in conversation. But if you’ve done something memorable for your clients, they’re much more likely to bring it up over the holidays when they are catching up with friends and family.
One of the best ways to stay top-of-mind with your clients over the holidays is to mail them a beautiful, handwritten holiday card.
When most other businesses are flooding consumers’ inboxes with holiday emails, your gorgeous card will make your customers feel special. Your card may even end up on their fridge or mantel for holiday visitors to see. Imagine how impressed guests will be when they realize their friend’s insurance agent takes the time to handwrite a note to wish their clients a happy holiday.
You’re probably thinking, “I don’t have time to write and mail every single customer a holiday card.” Well, we have a solution for that.
In about ten minutes, you can send all your clients charming holiday cards with real handwriting inside and a forever stamp on the envelope, just like you would do if you did it by hand.
But, if you were to try to write and mail holiday cards to 1,500 customers, it would take you approximately 75 hours. That’s time you likely don’t have to spare at the end of the year.