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Seven ways to bring more referrals to your agency through partnerships

July 12, 2023

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One of the main ways you attract new clients is through word-of-mouth referrals. Typically, those referrals come from your clients’ friends or family members. But what if you had a business partnership that sent their clients to you?

Here are some of the partnerships you could build, depending on the types of insurance you sell.

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Four tips for getting quality Google reviews for your insurance agency

June 27, 2023

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Google reviews are important. And contrary to what some business owners think, it’s not the number of reviews that matters—it’s their quality.

It's important that you collect Google reviews consistently over time to develop and maintain a strong online reputation. Most insurance agencies should try to get one or two new Google reviews every couple of months.

Here are four things you can do to make sure you continue to receive a steady flow of quality reviews.

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Why you need a blog on your insurance agency website

June 22, 2023

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Is starting an insurance blog one of those daunting tasks you keep pushing off?

Keep reading to learn how a blog can help you increase traffic, grow sales and even—believe it or not—save time.

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Why birthday emails don’t work

June 15, 2023

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How many birthday emails do you receive from companies? And how many of those emails do you open and take the time to read? Unless the email includes an offer for something free, people probably won’t even open it.

When you send birthday emails, you are doing the same thing as other businesses.

But you need to stand out. So, instead of an email, send a birthday card in the mail. Here’s why birthday cards will be much more impactful.

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How insurance agents can get more referrals

June 9, 2023

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Do you feel your referral strategy isn’t working? There are many misconceptions around referral programs for insurance agencies.

After studying referrals in the insurance industry for 10+ years, we've found that there are several reasons why people will and won’t recommend their agent.

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