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Let’s chat about web chat

May 17, 2021 by ClientCircle

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If you want to increase conversions, offer faster customer service, collect better client data and improve retention for your agency, you might want to look at web chat. Here’s why.

How nice would it be if buying insurance were as easy as buying, say, a pair of sneakers? You know your size, you’re pretty set on the styles you like, you pick a color, place the order, you’re rocking your new kicks 48 hours later.

Of course, insurance is just a bit more complicated than high-tops.

There are premiums, deductibles, maximums, exclusions, limits, cash values, replacement costs—not something you can just throw in your cart and check out.

But what usually stands in the way of a complicated purchase are just a few simple questions. Getting those quick questions answered by a real person in real time is often all that’s needed to make the sale.

That’s why web chat is taking off across so many industries, and insurance is no exception.

Why web chat?

More sales

If you can answer your site visitors’ questions quickly, you’ll sell more—both to new and existing clients.

According to Forrester, 53% of customers are likely to abandon their online purchases if they can’t find quick answers to their questions, while site visitors who use web chat are 2.8 times more likely to convert than those who don’t.

And ICMI reports 2.4 times greater annual increase in cross-sell and up-sell revenue for businesses with web chat on their website.

Better, faster service

J.D. Power discovered that 42% of customers prefer live chat to email and social media forums.

Whether your site visitors are searching for a new agent or have questions about their existing coverage, it’s important you’re available when they need you, especially if web chat is how they prefer to communicate.

Web chat also allows you to meet customers’ demand for speed—60% of consumers expect response in under 10 minutes according to HubSpot. Without an ability to answer questions quickly, you’re not meeting the expectations of more than half of your existing or potential clients.

Data you can use

What’s even better than fast and convenient service? Service so thoughtful and personalized—your website visitors feel you truly care.

A web chat installed on your domain gives you access to a wealth of information about your customers and prospects. You can tell if they have visited before, you can see their name, you know what they asked in the past. All this information allows you to pick up the conversation where you left off, taking your service to a whole new level.

Improved retention

Web chat isn’t just for new clients. Your existing customers have questions too.

Forbes says 92% of customers feel satisfied when they use the live chat feature when dealing with businesses, more than any other communication option. 

If your clients know they can always get a hold of you quickly in a way that works for them—they might just become customers for life.

Well, then! I want web chat

Web chat is now available in ClientCircle. Ask your account manager for help setting it up or schedule a demo to learn more.

Web chat made for insurance

Schedule a demo

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