NPS response
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Responding to the NPS – Best Practices

March 16, 2017 by ClientCircle

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At ClientCircle, we’ve had success implementing the Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey into our software. We gather hundreds of survey responses for businesses (most of them insurance agencies) which allow them to measure the loyalty of their client base. Although we automate much of the follow-up communication for our agents, we also suggest that they respond via phone call to some of the respondents. Ideally, the agent could personally call every client that completes the NPS survey, but it’s more practical to focus on those that fall within a specific score range.

Below we’ve created three groups ranked in priority based on the NPS score. Included is an explanation of each category, as well as a guideline with key points to cover on the phone call. Each is based on research and comprise best practices that promote higher retention and positive word-of-mouth.

Priority Group 1: Your Detractors, Scoring 0-6

By and large, clients in this range are particularly dismayed with the agency and are at high risk of defecting. The purpose of the call is to identify the reason behind the low score and offer a resolution to the issue. Ultimately the goal is to convert these detractors into promoters to improve client retention and promote positive word-of-mouth.

  • Thank them for being a client and taking time to respond to the survey
  • Mention that you noticed a low score and ask if there is a particular reason they rated you low
  • Acknowledge their issue and tell them you will work to resolve it
  • Ask if they’d like to discuss their coverage in more detail
  • Indicate that you are always only a phone call or email away, that you’ll be sure to reach out more frequently, and that you will address any specific issues they had.

Priority Group 2: Your Passives, Scoring 7-8

People answering in this range are generally lukewarm about their agency. Although they are likely not actively looking to buy insurance elsewhere, their indifference causes them to be open to offers from competitors. We’ve found that insurance agents tend to pay little attention to passives; opting instead to spend their time addressing detractors or encouraging promoters to refer them. However, we caution agents against neglecting passives, as there is more to be said about their score than originally thought. An agency’s goal should be improving the client experience as to nudge passives to become promoters, rather than allowing them to end up as detractors.

  • Thank them for being a client and taking time to respond to the survey
  • Mention that you noticed their score and ask if there is anything you can do to get the score higher
  • Acknowledge their feedback and tell them you’ll take action on it
  • Take this opportunity to inquire about changes in their life that could warrant a change in their coverage
  • Indicate that you are always only a phone call or email away and that you’re going to work on addressing any issues that may have arisen during the phone call

Priority Group 3: Your Promoters, Scoring 9-10

This last group is your promoters. The goal is to encourage them to take action on their willingness to refer, as well as search for cross-sale opportunities and act on them. Clients scoring high on the NPS survey are an excellent opportunity for revenue growth. They’ve indicated a likelihood to recommend, so the responsibility lies on the agent to make it easy for them to do so. Following the phone call, the agent should encourage written testimonials, social media shares, online reviews, and the like.

  • Thank them for being a client and taking time to respond to the survey
  • Mention that you are happy to hear that they are happy and inquire about any updates or changes in their life (new car, home, etc.)
  • Take advantage of cross-sale opportunities that may arise from the conversation
  • Indicate that you are always only a phone call or email away and that you’d love to help out their friends and family to have them call you directly

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*Net Promoter, Net Promoter System, Net Promoter Score, NPS and the NPS-related emoticons are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix Systems, Inc.