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Keep insurance clients engaged with content from around the web

January 25, 2022 by ClientCircle

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It costs five times as much to gain a new customer as it does to retain one, according to research conducted by Invesp.

To keep clients engaged and receptive to buying more, you need to maintain consistent, personalized communication. One way to do this is to find and share things that spark your clients’ interests—articles, podcasts, videos and other content they’ll love.

Make it about them

When you send a video or an article to a customer, position it as something that made you think of them. It can be as simple as, “I saw this today and it made me think of you. I hope you enjoy it!” They probably have friends and family sending them things they’re interested in, so build a strong relationship with them by doing the same.

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With Client Connect, a tool from ClientCircle, you can quickly build your own library of content from around the web. We'll then send these stories to your customers at the right times.

Of course, if the article you’re sharing is about the benefits of choosing an independent insurance agency, your clients won’t feel special. Make sure what you’re sending is something they’ll actually like instead of something you want them to like. Lifestyle articles, self-improvement podcasts and amusing videos are big hits and people are more likely to respond. A story with tips on decluttering will be relevant to many of your home insurance clients and any replies you get will be a natural lead to talking about home insurance and related coverage.

Sprinkle in insurance-related content, don’t heap it on

There’s a time and place for selling additional policies, but people will get annoyed if you only send information on other coverage they should buy.

If you have a history of sending your clients articles and podcasts they’ve enjoyed, they’re likely to read the occasional article you send them about insurance. They’ll also be more receptive to purchasing additional coverage.

Look for engaging content in your day-to-day

Pass along the things you read, watch and listen to. Most people will enjoy getting recommendations on books, websites or podcasts you like.

Showcase that you’re involved in your community by sending uplifting local news stories and talk about the non-profits you support.

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel by creating your own content. Sharing things from around the web by linking is a great way to go. And if your agency creates original content like blogs, podcasts and videos, share those with your clients regularly and drive additional traffic to your website and social channels.

Send relevant content to the right people

Before sending something to your book of business, ask, “Would everyone find this interesting or only a select group?” A podcast on getting better sleep applies to everyone, while a podcast on increasing employee productivity is probably only valuable to your commercial clients.

It’s tricky to find the balance between what to send, when to send it, and to whom. ClientCircle can do all that for you.

Our Client Connect tool allows you to choose from a library of articles to automatically send to your clients at the right times. You can also build your own library with the content you like from around the web. Client Connect knows which of your clients haven’t heard from you in a while and will automatically send your pre-selected content to them at the right times.

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