Four successful email templates for cross-selling insurance
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Four successful email templates for cross-selling insurance

November 4, 2020 by ClientCircle

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Imagine buying a new car but having to go to a tire store for the tires, an engine store for the engine, a body shop for the body, and then hiring someone to assemble it. Not a very practical approach.

Cross-selling makes it easy (and less costly) for you to connect with current clients, round out accounts and increase revenue per client. Cross-selling also increases your chances of retaining existing clients and allows you to check-in with them.

So, what’s the best way to get your cross-selling message out to clients?

Cross-selling campaigns

A recent customer of ours ran a cross-selling campaign with impressive results that included 78 responses within 24 hours and generated 65 quotes—leading to $42,000 bound!

(Not confident in your email marketing? Check out our blog on Three email tips for successful insurance marketing.)

Agent success story ClientCircle

Watch the video recording of the agent speaking about his success and how he was able to accomplish all this through ClientCircle.

With that, we created three scenarios and four email templates for you to use when cross-selling insurance that, if done right, can cover most of your book of business.

Auto/no home insurance cross-selling tips

Whether your client has home insurance and no auto insurance, or auto insurance and no home insurance, the concept and the templates are similar. The key is timing.

  • Send your first email three months after a client has purchased their home or auto policy. The next email should come 35 days before their home or auto policy renews.
  • Use a descriptive and benefit-driven subject line like, “Bundling insurance saves money (and time),” or “Make sure your home is covered for winter.”
  • Highlight the advantages of bundling, like saving time and money and not having to juggle multiple carriers and policies.
  • Provide a clear call to action (CTA) like, “Call or email today”, “Let’s grab a coffee and discuss options” or include a unique URL where clients can get more information or schedule an appointment.
  • End your email with messaging that emphasizes your relationship and ask how you can help. Make it human and forget the hard sell.

Home/no auto or auto/no home insurance cross-sell email templates

Subject: Bundling insurance saves money (and time)

Hi, [Name],

You can save a lot of money by bundling auto insurance with your current home policy. Plus, it means you don’t have to juggle multiple carriers—all your insurance is in one place.

Please call me at (555) 555-5555 or reply to this email so we can talk about your different coverage options and potential savings.

Looking forward to catching up,


Home/no auto insurance cross-sell email template

Subject: Let’s talk about your coverage

Hi, [Name],

Have we talked about bundling auto insurance with your current home policy?

Give me a call at (555) 555-5555 or reply to this email so we can talk about your different coverage options and potential savings.

Looking forward to catching up,


Umbrella insurance cross-selling tips

Unlike auto or home, most clients might not know about umbrella insurance. This is where you come in, educate and be the hero.

  • Include a link to an article explaining what umbrella insurance is, or better yet, link to a blog post you’ve written on umbrella insurance explaining its benefits.
  • Time your email wisely: three months after the purchase of a client’s home or auto policy, then 35 days prior to renewal.
  • Use a descriptive and educational subject line that relates to umbrella insurance like, “What your home and auto policies may not cover” or “What Umbrella Insurance is and why you might need it.”
  • End your email with a clear call to action (CTA) like, “Call today” or “Email here,” or include a unique URL for clients to visit for more information. Here's an article on the psychology behind these and why they're so effective.
  • Sign off with a friendly, helpful message and remember, don't hard sell.

No umbrella insurance cross-sell email template

Subject: What your home and auto policies may not cover

Hi, [Name],

You might save some money bundling umbrella insurance with your existing policies. Umbrella helps cover things that your home and auto policies won’t.

Here’s a page with more info on what’s covered and what’s not.

Call me at (555) 555-5555 or reply to this email and I can help you get the right coverage.

Talk soon,


No life insurance cross-sell email template

“What will happen to your family if you die?” That’s the dire life insurance message late-night TV ads seem to push. This is your chance to move away from a worn-out, fear-based sales tactic to one that offers real, practical advice.

Subject: Let’s talk about life insurance

Hi, [Name],

Hope you are doing well.

As part of my responsibility as your insurance adviser, I would like to offer you a life insurance quote. The process is super simple, just reply to this email and I will send you a follow-up.

Take care,


  • As you can see from the above template, this email is simple. A few lines, straightforward information and an offer to help.
  • Stagger your emails. The first email should go out three months after your clients purchase their home, auto or an umbrella policy (if they already had the others previously), and then 35 days prior to renewal.
  • Use a descriptive and inviting subject line like, “Lets talk about life insurance,” or “I can help you with a life insurance policy?”
  • Personalize your messages, make them short but friendly, don’t word it like you’re trying to sell clients something, and convey you’re looking out for their best interests (because you are).
  • End your email with a clear call to action (CTA) like, “Call me with questions you have about life insurance” or “Email me with any questions I’d love to help,” or have a unique URL that has more Life Insurance information.

Using these email templates when cross-selling insurance can help drive results, spark conversations with clients and lead to other opportunities. And even if you don’t end up selling a new policy, it’s a valuable touchpoint you might not have otherwise made.

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