Does your insurance agency software come with the right support? | Insurance blog | ClientCircle
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Does your insurance agency software come with the right support?

November 15, 2022 by ClientCircle

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One of the greatest strengths of independent insurance agents is your personalized service and in-depth knowledge of all things insurance. You make sure your clients have the right coverage to protect their families and businesses, helping them when something unexpected happens.

You deserve to have someone who does the same for you.

When evaluating software to help you run and grow your agency, here are some things to look for, especially when it comes to service and support after you make the purchase.

Do they know the industry?

Choose a company that understands insurance. Insurance industry is unique and complex, and a generic solution is not going to meet your needs.

Software designed for insurance is more likely to integrate with other products you use, making all of your processes more efficient. And when you need help using the tool you just purchased, you want to talk to someone who understands X-dates, cross-selling, your management system and other unique-to-insurance topics.

What happens after you commit to the product?

Choosing the right software is only the beginning. You will need help setting it up, connecting it to other tools, loading your data, fine-tuning the integrations, etc.

When evaluating a vendor, ask about their support. Will you have a person dedicated to managing your account? What happens if something breaks? Look for a company that offers full support in a way that’s convenient for you—via phone, email, web chat or online meetings.

How will they help you succeed?

You need to know that the company you choose can help you succeed beyond just answering your tech questions.

Look for a company that can offer you practical tools, best practices, performance reports, growth strategies and other helpful resources. For example, if you purchased a CRM, but are struggling to build a custom campaign, will the support team help you create what you need? Look for a vendor that won’t abandon you when you need help with specific tasks.

What if you change your mind?

Be careful if a company wants to lock you into long-term payments or asks for a hefty setup fee.

Those commitments make sense for enterprise deals when a lot of work needs to be done to get a custom solution going, but not for agencies with straightforward needs. You should be able to pay as you go and cancel if you’re unhappy. A company that is confident in their product won’t try to lock you into a long-term obligation.

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