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Sell more policies with better data in your agency management system

January 17, 2022

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There’s one simple thing you can do to help you achieve both: ensure you have accurate information for all your clients and prospects in your agency management system.

First, you need two crucial pieces of data: their name and a way to contact them.

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Do you need a privacy policy for your insurance agency’s website?

January 7, 2022

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Although there’s no single law in the U.S. that covers privacy, there are several laws in place that address specific types of data along with consumer privacy state laws in California, Colorado, Virginia and other states. Here’s more on that if you want to dive in.

Even if you determine that existing federal and state laws don’t apply to you, it’s a good idea to consult an attorney and determine if you need to have a privacy policy on your site.

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How to get insurance referrals without asking

January 3, 2022

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Most people couldn’t tell you which of their friends need insurance. So outright asking if they know anyone who may be looking for a new agent will almost never lead to referrals.

Instead, you’ll want to be an agency your customers are quick to recommend when a friend mentions buying a home or opening a business.

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ClientCircle to help financial advisors grow business

November 16, 2021

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A new product from Rocket Referrals will bring innovative marketing, communications and relationship-building tools to the financial services industry. Created by Rocket Referrals®, a leading insurance communications company in the U.S., ClientCircle will help financial advisors grow their business with tools made for finance.

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Respond to Google, Facebook, web chat and text messages in one place

November 11, 2021

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When a prospect is evaluating your agency, they will likely end up on your business listing on Google, your page on Facebook or go straight to your website. Often, clients who need help, but don’t want to call, will take the same path.

Of course, you want to make sure you’re there, always ready to answer their questions. But managing multiple conversations from multiple apps is a chore.

We’ll let you in on a secret.

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